Well, here we are again.

It’s been a wild trip, since late 2019, the time of my last entry here. ‘You know what’ happened & I escaped, barely, a lockdown in a foreign country by catching a plane the morning it went into effect, and then hunkered down here in Japan to weather the storm.

Understandably, things slowed down to the point of almost a dead stop in the portrait scene. Sensible on everyone’s behalf. In the mad scramble to survive, I didn't even bother to update here. Bit remise of me.

But then things picked up a bit, with a sporadic trickle of people commissioning work.

And now, while not back to the ‘pre’ version of ‘normal,’ it is back to ‘business as normal.’

So, if you are feeling the need, or just desire for a visual manifestation of your presence, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

