Continental Freedom – Wish I Had It

Franz Barta, a Hungarian emigre who settled in Dunedin, New Zealand is the first photographer I ever became consciously aware of. Several of his prints hung on my grandmother’s walls. It was a long time ago now that I first became aware of them as the work of an actual individual person (I can just barely touch on the memory of the conversation that did it), but I was probably somewhere between the ages of five and ten. Of course, before that I knew vaugely that somehow people made photographs. It’s just that I had never really appreciated that real individuals created them, as works with intention.

It’s very hard to find information about Franz Barta, but I did come across this delightful passage, which quotes his contemporary Morris Kershaw referring to his style: “…the “Continental freedom” of his colleague Franz Barta, a photographer known for his very relaxed style, that seemed to “catch people out” before the camera.”

So, it was my great privilege this week when I had the opportunity to photograph his great granddaughter, Stella.

Another Pun - Graphics On Televisions

Graphics On Television, a two piece band I've done some work for in the past, has just made available (for free) a new 'concept' album. 

Basically, 15 musicians from around the world, all fans of Graphics On Televisions last album release, Pun, have resampled, remixed or completely rerecorded a song each from that album. It's called Another Pun. I think it is rather good.

A little video ad can be seen here.

And the album can be streamed or downloaded here.

Award Winning Brewer

Also while in New Zealand, I had a portrait session with award winning craft beer brewer Tom Jones, aka 'Tom the Pom,' of Crafty Beers and The Herne Brewing Company. Here's two from that session. Everyone seems to know about the health benefits of activated manuka honey, but you haven't really experienced anything until you have drunk a pale ale flavoured with smoked manuka wood!

Exiting Japan for a while...

I'll be out of Japan for several weeks soon, so while that's happening and for the prep period and while sorting stuff out after returning, I won't be available for bookings from January 26th until March 12th.* Still feel free to contact me during that period though. 


* I still have a couple of free days before the 26th though

E-mail Troubles

I've recently had some e-mail troubles. It only came to my attention after certain things happened, and although I don't think I have missed anyone who tried to contact me, I can't be entirely sure.

It's working fine now though, so if you have emailed me or used the contact form on this site in the last two weeks, and I haven't responded, you will need to contact me again. Sorry for the inconvenience. 



Last Thursday I went location scouting along the Arakawa Tram Line near Otsuka in the middle of Tokyo. I couldn't find anything I liked, at all. But on the Monday before, on the way to a job out in Saitama, just outside western Tokyo, I noticed a cool area, which I think has potential. I took this there, of a shop sign, outside an unagi (eel) restaurant. I like the flare. 

Food I Ate

Without meaning to, I seem to have started a new personal project. Recently I've been tongue in cheek copying the Japanese 'hobby' of photographing things that I eat / drink. Young Japanese people, especially teenage girls & young women, do this all the time. By themselves or with others, they go to cafes & order deserts or other treats and then photograph them before tucking in. 

Loyalty cards

Loyalty cards (aka. points cards) are very popular in Japan and I am thinking seriously of introducing a variation on this theme. I've almost worked out the details, and will add them to the site when ready. I'm feeling quite excited about this. 

Phase One / Capture One Support

In the modern internet world, it is really easy to complain and moan. People, I feel, often forget to praise.

And praise is all I have for the Phase One / Capture One support team. I had to contact them today about using Capture One Pro 7 and, just like every single other time in the past, their response was blazingly fast, to the point of almost being immediate. I am truly impressed. Even without comparing them to some of the shocking service I have had from other vendors, they would impress. They exceed what I think of as good service.

I should add too, that every single time I've had to contact them, it has been about me and my silliness and ways to get around problems I have introduced, never actually about a problem with their product.

More Pithy Photography Quotes

Adding to the previous “A photograph is of someone but a portrait is about someone” pithy quote post, here’s one I got two days ago from reading a Rankin interview.*

“…be 51% the biggest believer in your work and 49% the biggest critic.”

Typed with a little whelp from Free’s song Woman.**

* in some now unremembered magazine while in the waiting room at the doctor’s (see previous post for the graphic outcome)

** I think I’ll leave that typo in

What is Portrait Photography? – A Pithy Quote

The other day I was watching a Bowens educational video online, hosted by Joe Brady and Tony Corbell. The video,The Basics of Portrait Lighting,* was kinda interesting, but the thing that stuck with me was something that Tony Corbell said near the beginning. Quoting someone (I think) called Arthur Rainville,** he said;

“A photograph is of someone but a portrait is about someone.”

I’m usually turned right off by pithy quotes, but this one seems to make some sense. Not so much as some kind of touchy-feely notion, but rather as a concrete goal to aim for.


* the link goes to the main video page

** probably this guy (, but I’m not sure as, after entering the site, I didn’t get past the very slow to load flash page that said something like “Not a site for the impatient traveller, rather, a destination to explore and perhaps connect…” or some such. There’s three composited images on the page, no links I can find anywhere and intensely irritating music. It’s still running on another tab and there seems no way past it. Making me reconsider the ‘wisdom’ of the above quote…