In portrait photography, there is something called looks.

Looks are simply specific styles or aesthetics.

These are typically achieved via combinations of various changes - in clothing, styling, background, lighting, etc.

These changes give distinct visual vibes to different sets of photos from a single session.

In our context here, a single look is easy to achieve - you arrive basically prepared and wearing the clothing you want to be photographed in and with your hair, etc. looking the way you want it.

With care and forethought, simple looks can be achieved quite easily. By bringing an extra top, scarf, coat, hair bands, etc, various changes in combinations can achieve distinct looks quite quickly.

But quick is a relative term, and even these simple changes still do the time. More time than most realise.

And more complex looks take even longer. At times, significantly so.

So, when thinking about what you want for your portrait session, please be aware of this and how your choices may impact the complexity and length of a photo session, and in turn, the costs involved.

But of course, feel free to ask me about all of this - this is always decided beforehand, and as with most things, careful planning potentially means you can achieve quite a lot.

Thank you.